Please note that our eTRAKiT web site URL has changed to:
The following is a list of Planning & Development Services applications that can be completed in eTRAKiT, as well as other required documents that must be attached as part of the application process. Any document below with a link to the fillable form, including applications that have not yet been converted, must be completed and attached in eTRAKiT as part of your application process, in addition to all applicable maps, drawings, documents and reports.
When submitting your application in eTRAKiT, please do not submit the original application unless directed to do so. We are still working on converting some applications, so that they are completely in eTRAKiT, however, if an application has a link below to a fillable form, it must be completed and attached in eTRAKiT, as part of the submittal process. Please note that some applications may require additional documents when submitted in eTRAKiT. Links to some of the required documents are listed below, as well as application checklists which should be referenced prior to completing any necessary drawings or plans.
Document Links below must be completed and attached as part of your eTRAKiT submittal.
º Bike Share Program Permit Ordinance
º Bike Share Application is in eTRAKIT
Single-Family Residential Permits
º Lot by Lot Grading
Tent Permit
º Tent Permit Checklist
Carnival and Circus
º Carnival and Circus Application Criteria
Alternative Parking Plan
º Alternative Parking Plan Agreement (required with eTRAKiT submittal)
º Alternative Parking Plan Signature Page (required with eTRAKiT submittal)
º Alternative Parking Plan Checklist (required with eTRAKiT submittal)
º Alternative Parking Plan Shared Parking Study Form (required with eTRAKiT submittal)
FINAL PLAT(complete eTRAKiT application and attach the required document(s) below):
º Final Plat Checklist
º Development Certifications
º Final Plat Owner Certification (REQUIRED if anyone other than the owner submits this application)
FINAL PLAT MIXED-USE (complete eTRAKiT application and attach the required document(s) below):
º Final Plat Checklist
º Development Certifications
º Final Plat Owner Certification (REQUIRED if anyone other than the owner submits this application)
Itinerant Vendor Permit
º Itinerant Vendor Checklist (required with eTRAKiT submittal)
º Itinerant Vendor Notary Page (required with eTRAKit submittal)
Mobile Food Vendor
º Applicant Sworn Affidavit (required with eTRAKiT submittal)
º Mobile Food Vendor Ordinance
º Mobile Food Vendor Permit Guide
º MFV Standard Bond Form
Preliminary Plan
º Preliminary Plan Checklist (required with eTRAKiT submittal)
º Preliminary Plan Owner Certification (REQUIRED if anyone other than the owner submits this application)
Comprehensive Plan (complete
eTRAKiT application and attach the required document(s) below):
ºComprehensive Plan Owner Certification (REQUIRED if anyone other than the owner submits this application)
REZONING (complete eTRAKiT application and attach the required document(s) below per Subtype):
º Rezoning Owner Certification(REQUIRED if anyone other than the owner submits this application)
º Historic Preservation Overlay
- Properties
º Redevelopment District
- Site Plan Checklist
- NRA Checklist
º Single-Family Overlay
º Planned Districts (PDD or P-MUD)
- Conceptual Site Plan Checklist
SITE PLAN (complete eTRAKiT application and attach the required document(s) below):
º Development Certifications
º Site Plan Checklist
Variance(complete eTRAKiT application and attach the required document(s) below):
º Variance Owner Certification
º Special Event Checklist (required with eTRAKiT submittal)
Ordinance Requirements
Guide Book
º Farmer's Market Checklist (required with eTRAKiT submittal)
º Abandonment of Public Right-of-Way / Easement
º Development Permit
º Easement Application
º License to Encroach
º Driveway Permit: Non-Commercial - (required with eTRAKiT submittal)
º Driveway Permit: Residential - (required with eTRAKiT submittal)
º Permit to Construct Access Driveway Facilities on TxDOT Highway Right-of-Way (Form 1058)
º Private Improvement in a Public ROW Permit
ºPIP Indemnification (required with eTRAKiT submittal)
º PIP Checklist (required with eTRAKiT submittal)
º Right-of-Way Construction Permit
- Wireless Supplement to ROW Application Form
º TxDOT Utility Installation Request on TxDOT Highway Right-of-Way
º Oversize Participation Information Sheet
º Oil Well and Gas Exploration: Renewal
º Banner: Minimum Requirements Checklist (required with eTRAKiT submittal)
Grand Opening
º Grand Opening: Minimum Requirements Checklist (required with eTRAKiT submittal)
º Sign: Minimum Requirements Checklist (required with eTRAKiT submittal)