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College Station Greenways

Greenway Program

Program seeks to preserve a network of natural corridors along rivers, streams, utility corridors, and rights-of-way. Some corridors in the system include multi-use paths and others remain vegetated areas with no improvements for human access.

Greenways are a resource that serve a variety of functions including but not limited to floodplain management, protection of open space, and provide for wildlife and plant habitats. Multi-use paths within a greenway can provide alternate transportation routes for pedestrians and bicyclists, as well as recreation and health benefits. Multi-use paths also create connections to parks, neighborhoods, workplaces, schools, cultural and historical areas, and shopping centers.

The goals of the program are to:

  • Improve Connectivity and Accessibility,
  • Increase Safety,
  • Increase Bicycling and Walking Outdoors, and
  • Encourage Environmental Stewardship.

To date, the City has constructed 8 miles of multi-use paths and has protected over 600 acres of greenways. An additional six miles of multi-use paths are funded. Project information on multi-use paths underway can be found here. 

Greenway Membership Application Greenway Cleanup Report Greenway Supply Request

    Adopt-A-Greenway Maps
    Cleanup Process

    Before Your Scheduled Cleanup:

    1. Request supplies online through the Supply Request Form at least five business days prior to your scheduled cleanup.

    2. Pick up supplies from Planning and Development Services, located at 1101 Texas Ave., during regular business hours which are Monday through Friday, 8 a.m. to 5 p.m.

    3. Print the Cleanup Tips and review with others in your group.

    Upon Completion of Each Cleanup:

    1. Complete the Cleanup Report Form within five business days of your cleanup.

    2. Return unused items to the Planning and Development Services upon completion of your scheduled cleanup.


    What Do I Have To Do?
    • Adopt an area within the City of College Station for a minimum of two years. The city will provide a list of locations to choose from.

    • Each year, commit to cleaning at least two times – once in the fall and once in the spring may be ideal. You can clean your area more often, if so desired.
    Who Can Participate?
    Anyone who is interested in keeping our community clean and looking beautiful! This includes: individuals, families, student organizations, youth and church groups, scout groups, civic organizations, businesses, neighborhood associations or any combination of the above.

    How Can I Get Involved in the Program?
    1. Determine the area you would like to adopt.

    2. Review the Statement of Understanding with additional program details.

    3. Fill out a Membership Application Form.

    4. Sign and return a Release and Indemnification Form for EACH individual participating.

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