The City of College Station sees the value of creating a bicycle and pedestrian friendly community. Planning and programming for bicycle facilities and sidewalks is important for transportation, recreation and healthy living. A comprehensive transportation system considers the needs of bicyclists and pedestrians by connecting them to nearby parks, schools, and businesses as well as addressing their safety. An active transportation system also enhances quality of life with opportunities to experience the outdoors, reduce road congestion and protect the environment. Please visit the virtual engagement page below to learn more and provide input on the City of College Station’s new Active Transportation Master Plan! Stay informed by signing up for our email list.
The goals of the program are to:
Celebrate National Bike Month every May by joining City Council members and other residents for a casual bike ride. A new route is determined each year to explore new parts of the city. Cyclists of all ages and abilities are welcome. Ages 16 and under must be accompanied by an adult. The event is free, but all participants must register and sign a participation waiver. You may register online (link will be provided at a later date) or register on the day of the event before the ride begins.
Previous Events:
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RECOGNITION The City of College Station currently has 33 miles of bike lanes, 59 miles of bike routes, over 130 miles of sidewalks and 8 miles of multi-use paths. An additional 4 miles of bike lanes, 7 miles of sidewalks, and 6 miles of multi-use paths are funded.
According to the 2010 Community Service Data, College Station ranks #1 in Texas for having the highest percentage of bicyclists who commute to work. In September 2011, the City of College Station received Honorable Mention from the League of American Bicyclists to be designated as a Bicycle Friendly Community (BFC). Only three cities in Texas are designated as Bicycle Friendly. The BFC award recognizes a community's commitment to improving conditions for bicycling through investment in bicycling promotion, education programs, infrastructure and pro-bicycling policies. For more information, visit the League of American Bicyclists website.
HOW BIKABLE AND WALKABLE IS YOUR NEIGHBORHOOD? Download and print this Bikeable Checklist or Walkability Checklist. Fill it out and return it to Jason Schubert at [email protected] or 979.764.6221.