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Transparency Star Contracts

Open Government & Compliance Transparency

The Texas Comptroller of Public Accounts’ website notes that:

“The idea of open and transparent governance in the United States has its roots in our desire to be governed by a representative and accountable body of lawmakers”.

Our website and this page provide information, as encouraged by the Texas Comptroller of Public Accounts to support this sentiment of accountability and transparency. More information about the Transparency Stars program can be found at:


Mayor John Nichols, [email protected]

Place 1 Councilman, Mark Smith, [email protected]

Place 2 Councilman, William Wright, [email protected]

Place 3 Councilwoman, David White, [email protected]

Place 4 Councilwoman, Melissa McIlhaney, [email protected]

Place 5 Councilman, Bob Yancy, [email protected]

Place 6 Councilman, Scott Shafer, [email protected]

For more information on the City of College Station’s City Council members please visit the City of College Station’s website’s City Council Landing page here: City Council - City of College Station (

To become a City Council member:

The mayor and each council member must be a citizen of the United States, a qualified voter of the state of Texas, and have resided for at least one year within the corporate limits of College Station. Filing requirements per state statute are available on the Texas Ethics Commission website. In addition, filing requirements for the City of College Station can be found in the City Charter.

Council Meetings:

Meetings are generally held on the second and fourth Thursday of each month in the Council Chambers at College Station City Hall, located at 1101 Texas Ave. For a complete list of City of College Station events and meetings, visit


One way to become actively involved with the City of College Station is to serve on one of 18 citizen boards, committees, or commissions.

-Details regarding each board & commission are available here: COCS - Boards & Commission Details.

-Interested individuals can view vacancies at the following link: COCS - Boards & Commissions Vacancies

-Interested citizens who wish to apply for boards and seats can submit up to 4 applications here: COCS - Boards & Commissions Application Form.

For additional information please review the City’s Boards, Committees, and Commissions Handbook here: Citizen Boards Committees and Commission Handbook ( For additional questions, contact the City Secretary's Office at [email protected] or 979.764.3541.


College Station City Council and Planning and Zoning Commission meetings are broadcast live on our municipal cable channel and website link here COCS - Channel 19. The live broadcasts are recorded and usually posted on the city's website by noon the day after the meeting. An archive of the recordings is accessible at this link COCS - Audio & Visual Recordings, for at least five years. For additional questions, contact the City Secretary's Office at [email protected] or 979.764.3541.



City of College Station Org Chart

City of College Station Meeting Calendar

This calendar is continuously updated as applicable. Follow this link (available in various formats): Calendar - City of College Station (


For Agendas and meeting minutes in compliance with the Public Information Act for the last three complete years, see the following link: Channel 19 - City of College Station (
• Link to the Texas Open Meetings Act Handbook.
• Link to the Public Information Act Handbook.

Video or Streaming Data

To view public primary governing body meetings as they occur, as well as access to an archive of all public primary governing body meetings for the last 90 days available for streaming, follow this link: Channel 19 - City of College Station (

Other Information

Debt information Reporting, link as follows: Debt Information - City of College Station (
Hotel Occupancy Tax Reporting Hotel Tax Fund - 2023 Annual Report - Page 132
Eminent Domain Reports filed by the City can be found at the Texas Comptroller of Public Accounts Database (COEDD) by year: Comptroller’s Online Eminent Domain Database (COEDD) Search (
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