The property tax rate as of October 1, 2024 for the City of College Station will be set at 51.3086¢ per $100 of assessed valuation. Property Taxes fund the General Fund and are used to make payments on the City’s Debt Service Fund. The breakdown of the tax rate is as follows:
Debt Service: 0.211441 41.2%
General Fund: 0.301645 58.8%
Total 0.513086 100.0%
The 51.3086¢ rate reflects the City’s portion of the tax rate and does not include taxes collected for College Station Independent School District or Brazos County. A break out of the tax rate for all taxing entities is as follows from the Brazos County Appraisal District:
College Station 0.513086
Brazos County TBA
CSISD 0.9729
Total TBA
Ordinance No. 2023-4457 |
Ordinance No. 2023-4458