The phone number for Jury Information is 979.764.3775. We have a jury information line to call after 5 p.m. the Monday before your jury service date.
To claim an exemption from jury service, you must complete the jury summons form or send a letter referencing your court date and time, and return it to the College Station Municipal Court prior to the date you are summoned to appear. Please note that business and personal reasons are not qualified exemptions. The following persons are exempt from jury service:
Note: Any person filing a false claim of exemption can be punished by a fine of up to $1,000.00.
Send in your jury summons or a letter requesting another court date/time. The Presiding Judge will review the excuse and approve or not approve such a request. You must call court staff after 48 hours to check on the status of your request.
You can be punished by a fine of $100.
This is a mandatory conference between you and Assistant City Attorney (prosecutor) at which time you will have an opportunity to discuss your case. If you do not reach a plea agreement approved by the Judge, you will have to decide whether you want your case to be heard by a Judge (Bench Trial) or a jury (Jury Trial).
If you are set for a pretrial conference, bench trial or jury trial and you want to request a continuance, it must be presented to the court in writing by certified mail, or in person at least 7 days before your scheduled court date. When the request is received by the court, it is forwarded to the presiding judge at which time it is approved or not approved. You must check back with the court to obtain the judge's decision.