The below College Station Parks & Recreation facilities are equipped with the Earth Networks Lightning Alert System.
When the system detects lightning within 10 miles of a facility, air horns will sound with an uninterrupted 15-second blast and a strobe light will be activated. If you hear the horn and/or see the light, you should seek shelter immediately in an enclosed and grounded building, enclosed vehicle, or an approved lightning shelter. Please also avoid the outdoors, metal fences, water, trees, elevated ground, open exposed areas, overhead wires and power lines, dugouts, pavilions and shelters.
When the system no longer detects a threat and it is safe to resume activities, three 5-second blasts from the horn will sound and the strobe light will turn off.
No system is fail-proof. You should always assess weather conditions before going outside and be prepared to take appropriate actions needed to ensure safety. The best source of information during a thunderstorm is your local news, radio stations, and a NOAA Weather Radio.
Facility Alert Status
Click on any of the below facilities to see their current lightning status.