In an effort to keep citizens informed about how tax dollars are being spent, the following information offers a snapshot of the City of College Station's primary financial plans and reports. The Open Data site provides public access to various datasets managed by the City of College Station municipal government. Powered by Socrata data portal software, this site will help you view, analyze and share city financial and statistical information.
Budget is responsible for preparing and monitoring the City’s annual operating and capital budgets. You can view and download various documents, including the Annual Budget, Citizens’ Annual Budget, and Capital Improvement Projects Budget, here.
Hard copies can be obtained at the following locations:
In Calendar Year 2023, the City of College Station purchased a total of 40,362,455 kWh (kilowatt hours), 5,745 MCF (thousand cubic feet) of natural gas, and 121,712 MGW (thousand gallons) of water. In Calendar Year 2023, the total aggregate cost of purchased utilities was $5,056,161. In Calendar Year 2022, the City of College Station purchased a total of 43,379,570 kWh (kilowatt hours), 6,295 MCF (thousand cubic feet) of natural gas, and 143,050 MGW (thousand gallons) of water. In Calendar Year 2022, the total aggregate cost of purchased utilities was $4,611,150. In Calendar Year 2021, the City of College Station purchased a total of 35,944,882 kWh (kilowatt hours), 6,755 MCF (thousand cubic feet) of natural gas, and 90,093 MGW (thousand gallons) of water. In Calendar Year 2021, the total aggregate cost of purchased utilities was $4,260,501. In Calendar Year 2020, the City of College Station purchased a total of 32,334,582 kWh (kilowatt hours), 6,499 MCF (thousand cubic feet) of natural gas, and 115,289 MGW (thousand gallons) of water. In Calendar Year 2020, the total aggregate cost of purchased utilities was $4,011,999. In Calendar Year 2019, the City of College Station purchased a total of 33,261,295 kWh (kilowatt hours), 8,104 MCF (thousand cubic feet) of natural gas, and 121,947 MGW (thousand gallons) of water. The total aggregate cost of purchased utilities was $3,976,874.
The Office of Budget and Strategic Planning publishes a concise version of the annual budget known as the Citizens' Annual Budget, which offers citizens an opportunity to review the city's budget in a condensed format.
The City of College Station has a five-year Capital Improvement Plan that addresses infrastructure needs in College Station resulting from growth, and aging existing infrastructure. General government capital projects include streets, parks and public facilities. These projects are typically funded through general obligation bonds, which are authorized by voter approval in a bond authorization election. These bonds are paid back through the property tax.
The Government Finance Officers Association of the United States and Canada has consistently awarded the Certificate of Achievement for Excellence in Financial Reporting to the City of College Station for its Annual Financial Report. The Certificate of Achievement is the highest form of recognition for excellence in state and local government financial reporting. The City of College Station Accounting Division is responsible for preparing the report.
The Accounting Department prepares the city’s Popular Annual Financial Report (PAFR). The PAFR is a summary of the financial activities of the city's governmental funds and is drawn from information found in the Annual Financial Report. The PAFR is specifically designed to be readily accessible and easily understandable to the general public and other interested parties without a background in public finance.