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Wellborn District Plan

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The Wellborn area has experienced changed conditions in recent years and is facing continued development pressures for growth. The City of College Station is launching an update to the Wellborn Community Plan, which covered 2013-2023. This planning effort, rebranded as the Wellborn District Plan, stems from discussions with residents and appointed and elected officials during the recent update to the City’s Comprehensive Plan. The Wellborn plan update aims to create a cohesive district that reflects the residents’ vision for the community, recognizes the unique character of Wellborn, and supports the overall vision of College Station.

Meeting Schedule

Below is the general timeline of the public engagement opportunities and meetings for the community.

Meeting Date Time Location
Bicycle, Pedestrian, and Greenways
Advisory Board Recommendation
Mon. September 18, 2023 3:30 p.m. City Hall Bush 4141
Community Room
Planning and Zoning
Commission Recommendation
Thu. October 5, 2023 6:00 p.m. City Hall
Council Chambers
City Council Adoption Thu. October 12, 2023 6:00 p.m. City Hall
Council Chambers

 The College Station City Hall address is 1101 Texas Avenue, College Station, TX 77840.


    Small Area Plans allow for a closer look into the existing conditions, trends and development pressures within a specific area of the city. Effective planning ensures that future development occurs where, when and how the community needs and desires. Participating in a small area plan allows residents to learn about what goes into a planning effort and to voice their questions and opinions about the future of their area. The collective input of everyone involved is complied, evaluated for feasibility, prioritized, and put into context of the city’s goals that live within the Comprehensive Plan.

    While the complete timeline for this project is still being confirmed, it is anticipated that this plan will go forward to City Council for adoption in the summer or fall of 2023.  

    There are many ways to be involved in the Wellborn District planning process! All meetings will be open to the public.  

    The best way to stay up to date on the Wellborn District Plan is to join the email list!
    A Working Group is a group of residents that have volunteered to serve as an advisory body that represents the community for the project. The group will be comprised of individuals who are property owners and/or residents within the planning area, the city at large and/or reside in the city’s ETJ. This group should expect to meet roughly once a month starting in January 2023 and continuing through June 2023.
    You can still participate in the planning process even if you are unable to attend the public meetings. By clicking on the “Participate Online” button at the top of the screen, you can provide input online and learn more about the plan update!

    Please email the Project Manager if you would like the meeting resources and/or would like to give input.
    EXISTING PLAN (2013-2023)
    The existing Wellborn Community Plan was adopted by City Council on April 25, 2013 and was a planning effort under the 2009 Comprehensive Plan. The planning area is located in the southwestern portion of the City and includes much of the remaining historic Wellborn Community.

    This plan was evaluated through the Small Area Plan Audit and 60% of its action items were found to be completed. You can see specific action items and their
    statuses, here

Contact Information

Planning & Development ServicesPO Box 9960College Station, TX 77840979.764.3570
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