ROO Restricted Occupancy Overlay
The Restricted Occupancy Overlay District (ROO) is a single-family overlay zoning district that is intended to limit occupancy to no more than two unrelated persons in single-family neighborhoods. The regulations of the ROO apply to each individual single-family dwelling or accessory living quarters within the overlay boundaries. For more information about the ROO Restricted Occupancy Overlay or any of our single-family overlay districts, visit
Single-Family Overlay Districts.
HOO High Occupancy Overlay
The HOO High Occupancy Overlay zoning district allows occupancy levels beyond the citywide standard that no more than four unrelated people can live together in a home. However, being zoned HOO High Occupancy Overlay does not automatically allow more than four unrelated people within a home. A use called shared housing can be allowed within the HOO High Occupancy Overlay zoning district with an additional review through a minor site plan application. Shared housing uses allow more than four unrelated people in a home, but with additional requirements. For more information about shared housing, visit
Shared Housing.