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Maps and GIS data

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Planning & Development Services P.O. Box 9960 | 1101 Texas Ave.College Station, TX 77842979.764.3570
The Geographic Information Systems (GIS) Division of the Planning and Development Services Department provides access to data and maps for public use. This includes downloadable gis data, interactive maps and printable maps (PDFs) 

Interactive mapping services are available here and reflect the most recent data updates. The Planning and Development Map shows platting, subdivisions, zoning, and property information. Tip: Click on the Layers icon in the upper right corner to select various GIS layers in the map.

Printable maps have also been created and are available below for download. These static maps are updated every six months.

For general planning and development questions, please call 979.764.3570 or email [email protected].


The Annexation Map shows all annexations approved by the City of College Station from its incorporation until today. The map includes the approximate extent of each annexation along with its ordinance number and date of approval.


This map shows the legal, corporate limits of the City of College Station.


The ETJ is an area that is outside the city limits, but yet still falls under certain City of College Station requirements if subdivision occurs on that property. College Station currently has an ETJ that is determined in three ways. First, Section 42 of the Local Government Code sets out the area of jurisdiction based upon the population of a city, which is currently 5-miles beyond the corporate limits of College Station. Secondly, the ETJ is also set by agreement with the City of Bryan. Last of all, ETJ coverage may be requested by a property owner contiguous with the existing ETJ as occurred with Ordinance 2496 in 4/12/01.


The Comprehensive Plan establishes a long-range vision for College Station’s growth and development, housing, mobility, parks, the environment, economic development, city-provided infrastructure and services, and other related topics. The plan includes, among other components, Future Land Use & Character and Thoroughfare Plan maps.

Future Land Use & Character Map

The future land use categories included within the Comprehensive Plan (Chapter 2, Distinctive Places) serve as policy guides and set expectations for how land within the City of College Station should be developed and used in the future. The Future Land Use & Character Map is used to guide decisions about infrastructure investment and zoning changes.

The terms future land use and zoning often get confused, but they are separate tools and processes. Future land use serves as a guide for how areas of the City may develop in the future. In contrast, zoning regulates how a specific property can be developed and used today.

Thoroughfare Plan

The Thoroughfare Plan is included within the Comprehensive Plan (Chapter 6, Mobility) and provides a long-term vision of the major street network necessary to meet future mobility needs. The Thoroughfare Plan guides future investments and classifies thoroughfares by access to adjacent land use, mobility for through traffic, and context.

The Thoroughfare Plan presents the locations for planned and existing roadways classified as minor collector and greater within the City of College Station and the ETJ.


The Bicycle, Pedestrian, and Greenways Master Plan is a component of the Comprehensive Plan. It provides the locations of proposed, funded, and existing bicycle facilities, sidewalks, and shared-use paths within the City of College Station and its ETJ. Three maps are provided within the master plan: Proposed Bicycle Facilities - which identifies the location of bike facilities (bike lanes, buffered bike lanes and separated bike lanes), bike routes and shared-use paths, Proposed Pedestrian Facilities - which identifies the location of sidewalks and shared-use paths, and Greenway Types - which identifies stream corridors by greenway type.


The official Zoning Map depicts the current zoning districts for the City of College Station. This map is updated as each revision is processed through the rezoning process. Details on each district may be found in Articles 4 and 5 of the Unified Development Ordinance. To determine the current zoning for a specific property, please use the interactive mapping services available here. Use the Layers List icon in the top right corner to turn on the Zoning layer.


The Existing Land Use Map shows the current use of the land within the limits of the City of College Station. In other words, it shows what activities, occupations, and situations are currently occurring on each parcel of land. Some parcels are fully developed and some only partially developed, if at all. Each parcel is assigned a current "use" as described by the legend of the map.
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