A vision statement reflects the community’s desires for the future and is one of the most important parts of the Comprehensive Plan. The vision statement was updated through input from hundreds of community residents:
College Station, the proud home of Texas A&M University and the heart of Aggieland, will serve as an example of a vibrant, forward-thinking, knowledge-based community, that promotes the highest quality of life.
The plan narrative is divided into topic-based chapters that each contain a specific goal that builds upon the plan’s vision statement, along with narrative, maps, and strategic and ongoing actions crafted to provide direction to realize the community’s vision. College Station strives toward having:
DISTINCTIVE PLACES: Vibrant and distinct districts, attractive neighborhoods, revitalized gateways and corridors, and conserved natural areas, grounded in environmental stewardship and resiliency.
STRONG NEIGHBORHOODS: Viable and attractive neighborhoods that maintain long-term neighborhood integrity while collectively providing a wide range of housing options and other services for a diverse population.
A PROSPEROUS ECONOMY: A diversified economy with a wide variety of competitive jobs and support for entrepreneurs that provides a tax base to support the City’s ability to foster a high quality of life where economic prosperity is widespread.
ENGAGING SPACES: Highly desirable parks, greenways, arts and cultural amenities that support high-quality experiences for residents and visitors.
INTEGRATED MOBILITY: An innovative, safe, and well-connected, multi-modal mobility system serving all user types that is designed to support the surrounding land uses.
EXCEPTIONAL SERVICES: Exceptional municipal facilities and services that meet community needs, contribute to community character, exhibit environmental stewardship and resiliency, support surrounding land uses, incorporate full life-cycle costs, and are coordinated and fiscally responsible.
MANAGED GROWTH: Fiscally responsible and carefully managed development that is aligned with growth expectations and the ability to provide safe, timely, and efficient infrastructure and services.
COLLABORATIVE PARTNERSHIPS: Well-coordinated planning at all levels and effective engagement with local jurisdictions, institutions, and organizations to further realize the City’s vision and support the broad community.
The updated plan contains approximately 98 action items spread across the topic-based chapters. The actions are group by strategic actions and ongoing actions that are already underway. The applicable actions are consolidated at the end of each chapter. A table including all actions is provided in the Plan Implementation chapter toward the end of the plan. City staff
report annually on progress made toward implementing the College Station Comprehensive Plan.