When established in 1876, the Agricultural and Mechanical College of Texas sat
on a mostly bare prairie several miles from Bryan, the nearest town. Transportation
was difficult over primitive roads, so it was a matter of convenience – if not a
necessity -- for faculty and staff to live on campus. Thus the college began to build
houses, situated mostly on the west side of the original campus between Guion
Hall and the railroad tracks. According to research by David Woodcock, Professor
Emeritus of Architecture at Texas A&M, 109 houses were on campus in 1938.
They ranged in size and style from large Queen Annes to small bungalows and
cottages, and even five two-story brick homes. Housing was assigned by the college
administration, with the larger, nicer homes going to ranking faculty.
Gradually, a small community – which would eventually become the town of
College Station – grew up around the campus. The first residential developments
were launched in the 1920s, starting with College Park and Oakwood south of the
campus, and later College Hills to the east. Many of the faculty and staff bought lots
and built homes there.
In 1939, A&M’s board of directors passed a resolution that the campus houses
were to be vacated. The maintenance expense had become a burden, transportation
had improved, and the new neighborhoods had alleviated the problem of living off
campus. Many of the campus houses were burned or demolished, but over the years
others were sold and moved to surrounding areas. The first sales occurred in 1941
and the last in 1972. Over the years, a number of those houses also disappeared,
either burned or torn down to accommodate new development. Those remaining
are scattered through the community.
>> View the Historic Campus Homes brochure for more details. Hard copies are available in the brochure rack at College Station City Hall.