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Bird City, Texas - Parks & Recreation

Bird City LogoIn 2023, the Parks and Recreation Department, in partnership with the Conservation Advisory Group, launched the Bird City initiative. College Station was officially certified as a Bird City by Texas Parks and Wildlife and Audubon Texas on January 9, 2025. Community science birding, bird-friendly education programs, and College Station’s Lights Out for Birds programs are among the many efforts College Station made to help earn this designation.

In early 2024, “Bird City, Texas” became part of Bird City Networks as a partnership between the American Bird Conservancy, Environment for the Americas, and U.S. Fish and Wildlife Services to help bring together over 200 international bird-safe communities. These community-focused certification programs were created to protect birds and their habitats.

This active community supports a wide variety of initiatives in addition to Bird City, the Conservation Advisory Group assists with the Mayors Monarch Pledge, Tree City USA, Cooling College Station Urban Heat Island Planting Projects and much more.

Gary Halter Nature Center Community Science
The Conservation Advisory Group participates in species monitoring through the City Nature Challenge, I-Naturalist species inventory, The Christmas Bird Count, The Big Sit, Project Feeder Watch, and many others.

Are you looking for ways to get involved? Connect with our local Rio Brazos Audubon Chapter or join the I-Naturalist community to document wildlife in College Station. 

Wild places are important, and the City of College Station has made many commitments to protect and repair habitat for our water and wildlife. In 2023, we planted hundreds of native plants and trees, spread 30 lbs. of native wildflower seeds, and pulled hundreds of pounds of invasive plants. In addition to these actions, we educate the community on native plants and trees through our community demonstration gardens at Lick Creek Park and Brison Park. 

Photo of Someone taking photos of birds. Threats to Birds
The City of College Station wants to make the city safer for birds and other wildlife. To do this, we are spreading awareness about keeping cats indoors, the importance of planting native plants, and promoting College Station's Lights Out for Birds program and the Dark Sky initiative. 

Learn about birds with us! College Station Parks and Recreation hosts an annual Migratory Bird Day Festival on the second Saturday in May at Lick Creek Park. In partnership with the Rio Brazos Audubon, Parks and Recreation has hosted monthly birding 101 classes for over ten years at Lick Creek Park. Want to learn more? Click the tabs below to connect with many great resources and learn more about our birds, native plants, and nature in College Station and the surrounding areas. 

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