Wellborn Community Zoning Districts
ADOPTED - July 28, 2016
Based on direction provided in the adopted Wellborn Community Plan, staff has developed concepts for three new zoning districts, including "WE Wellborn Estate, "WRS Wellborn Restricted Suburban," and "WC Wellborn Commercial."
An initial Focus Group Meeting was held on November 10, 2015 to re-engage residents and property owners in the Wellborn Community area. The purpose of the meeting was to discuss the draft concepts for the zoning districts and receive feedback and direction from stakeholders in the community.
New Zoning Districts
"WE Wellborn Estate"
"WRS Wellborn Restricted Suburban"
"WC Wellborn Commercial"
Click here for a Zoning District Fact Sheet
Click here for a Redlined Ordinance
Please contact a Staff Planner at [email protected] or by phone at 979.764.3858 if you have any questions.
Multi-Family & Mixed-Use Zoning Districts
ADOPTED - December 18, 2014
Staff worked with a sub-committee of the Planning and Zoning Commission to develop the concepts and language for the "MF Multi-Family" and "MU Mixed-Use" districts based on direction in the Comprehensive Plan. Previous multi-family districts were "retired"; with this amendment. Retired districts remain active for those properties with the zoning designations, but may not be requested to be applied to other properties in the future. Stakeholder meetings for the creation of these districts were held in December 2013 and January 2014. A public review period was offered in October/November 2014 to receive comments on the final draft ordinance language. The following districts were created and retired through this amendment:
New Zoning Districts
"MF Multi-Family"
"MU Mixed-Use"
Retired Zoning Districts
"R-4 Multi-Family"
"R-6 High-Density Multi-Family"
The following Concept Fact Sheets provide general information about each of the new districts created through this amendment:
"MF Multi-Family"
"MU Mixed-Use"
Click here to view the ordinance language for the multi-family and mixed-use districts. The document includes only the sections of the Unified Development Ordinance that were amended. Amendments are "red-lined" for your convenience.
To find out more information about the districts that were created and the reason for the changes, Click here for a memo that includes the background information and details on the process.
Please contact Planning & Development Services at [email protected] or by phone at 979.764.3570 if you have any questions.
New One- & Two-Family Residential Zoning Districts
ADOPTED - September 12, 2013
Staff worked with a sub-committee of the Planning and Zoning Commission to develop the concepts and language for the new one- and two-family residential districts based on direction in the Comprehensive Plan. Several existing districts were renamed to simplify the nomenclature, but the standards remain the same. Additionally, the R-1B district was "retired"; with the amendment. Retired districts remain active for those properties with the zoning designations, but may not be requested to be applied to other properties in the future. A one-month public review period was offered in June/July 2013 and public hearings were held in September.
The following One- and Two-Family districts were created, amended, renamed, and retired:
New Residential Districts:
"RS Restricted Suburban";
Amended and Renamed Districts:
"A-O Agricultural-Open"; to "R Rural,";
"A-OR Rural Residential Subdivision" to "E Estate"
Renamed Districts:
"R-1 Single-Family Residential" to "GS General Suburban"
"R-3 Townhome"; to "T-Townhome,";
"R-2 Duplex"; to "D Duplex,"; and
"R-7 Manufactured Home Park"; to "MHP Manufactured Home Park.";
Retired Districts:
"R-1B Single-Family Residential";
Click here to view the ordinance language for the one and two-family districts. The document includes only the sections of the Unified Development Ordinance that were amended. Amendments are "red-lined" for your convenience.
The following Concept Fact Sheets provide general information about the concepts for each district.
To find out more information about the districts that were created and the reason for the changes, Click here for a memo that includes the background information and details on the process.
Please contact Planning & Development Services at 979.764.3570 or by email at [email protected] with any questions.
New Non-Residential Zoning Districts
ADOPTED - September 27, 2012
Staff worked with a sub-committee of the Planning and Zoning Commission to develop the concepts and language for the new non-residential districts based on direction in the Comprehensive Plan. These districts are similar to the City’s existing set of zoning districts, meaning that they are largely use-based, with some additional performance standards. Several existing districts were renamed to simplify the nomenclature, but the standards remain the same. Additionally, several districts were "retired"; with the amendment. The retired districts will remain active for those properties with these zoning designations, but may not be requested to be applied to other properties in the future. A public review period was offered from July 20, 2012 until August 17, 2012 and public hearings were held in September.
New non-residential zoning districts: the following districts were created, renamed, and retired:
New non-residential districts:
- "NAP Natural Areas Preserved,";
- "SC Suburban Commercial,";
- "BP Business Park,"; and
- "BPI Business Park Industrial.";
Renamed districts:
- "A-P Administrative Professional"; to "O Office,";
- "C-1 General Commercial"; to "GC General Commercial,"; and
- "C-2 Commercial Industrial"; to "CI Commercial Industrial.";
Retired districts:
- "C-3 Light Commercial,";
- "R&D Research & Development,";
- "M-1 Light Industrial,"; and
- "M-2 Heavy Industrial.";
Please follow the links below to the red-lined Articles.
The following are District Fact Sheets that show where the changes can be found in the Unified Development Ordinance.
The following are provided as additional information:
To find out more information about the districts that were created and the reason for the changes, click here for a memo that includes the background information and details on the process.
Please contact Planning & Development Services at 979.764.3570 or by email at [email protected] with any questions.