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Residential Building

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Contact Information

Planning & Development Services P.O. Box 9960 | 1101 Texas Ave.College Station, TX 77842979.764.3570

A building permit is a license which grants legal permission to start a construction project. Building permits provide a means for the Building Division to reduce the potential hazards of unsafe construction, therefore ensuring the public health, safety and welfare. Before any construction work begins on a new structure, remodel or renovation project, an application for a building permit should be made, reviewed & permit issued.

Below is information about obtaining a permit for construction of a new single-family dwelling or duplex as well as other miscellaneous residential permits (pools, fences, decks, etc.).

Permits are typically required for sub-contractor work as well, such as plumbing systems, electrical systems and HVAC systems (heating, ventilating, air conditioning).

  • PLUMBING PERMITS are required to install, alter, enlarge, or repair a plumbing system. Exceptions include work required to unstop a drain line, provided, however, that a trap, drain, waste or vent pipe is not removed and replaced with new material as part of the process. A plumbing permit is also required to install, alter, enlarge or repair a gas piping system.
  • ELECTRICAL PERMITS are required to install electrical wiring, devices, appliances, fixtures and electrical equipment in the City of College Station. Exceptions include replacing fuses, snap switches, and signal conveying systems.
  • MECHANICAL PERMITS are required to install, enlarge, alter, repair or replace a mechanical system. Exceptions include the installation of portable heating devices, portable cooling units and the replacement of any minor part that does not alter the approval of equipment or make the equipment unsafe.

The City of College Station requires contractors to register prior to obtaining a building permit.

A homeowner may obtain a building permit to perform work on a building that is owned and occupied by him as his homestead without registering with the City as a contractor. However, licensed contractors must obtain all electrical, plumbing, and mechanical permits.

In order to register, sub-contractors must provide a copy of their state license, a Certificate of Insurance, the registration fee and a completed contractor registration form. General contractors must provide a completed contractor registration form and the registration fee.

For more information about the permitting and registration process, please contact Planning & Development Services Building Division at [email protected] or call 979.764.3570.

    Accessory Building


    A Building Permit for the construction of an accessory buildings include storage sheds, detached garages, gazebos, or any other structure that is subordinate to the main structure on a property. One detached accessory structure is allowed per residential lot without necessitating a permit, provided the structure complies with all of the following:

    ·         The accessory structure is not located in a surface drainage easement.

    ·         The floor area of the accessory structure does not exceed 120 square feet.

    ·         The accessory structure is not permanently affixed to the ground.

    ·         The accessory structure is located in the rear yard.

    ·         The accessory structure is not provided with utilities (sewer, water, gas or electricity).


    If the proposed accessory structure does not meet one or more of these requirements, a building permit will be required. A homeowner can perform this work at his homestead and does not need to register as a contractor with the City, but must apply for a building permit prior to beginning any construction. If a contractor is used, the contractor must be registered with the city of College Station.


    A permit fee is required upon approval of application. Submission for a building permit should be made through our online eTRAKiT system.



    ·         A copy of a site plan or property survey with dimensions indicating the location of the accessory structure on the property.

    ·         Plans with dimensions indicating how the structure will be constructed and anchored. These plans should include foundation plans, electrical plans, plumbing plans, materials used and spacing of framing members.


    INSPECTIONS An inspection will be required upon completion of work. Contact Planning & Development Services at (979) 764-3570 or visit eTRAKiT to schedule an inspection.




    A permit is required for the installation of a carport. A homeowner can perform this work at his homestead and does not need to register as a contractor with the City, but must apply for a building permit prior to beginning any construction. If a contractor is used the contractor must be



    A permit fee is required upon approval of application. Submission for a building permit should be made through our online eTRAKiT system.



    • A copy of a site plan or property survey with dimensions indicating the location of the carport on the property.
    • A plan with dimensions indicating how the structure will be constructed and anchored. This plan should include materials used and spacing of framing members.


    An inspection will be required upon completion of work. Contact Planning & Development Services at (979) 764-3570 or visit eTRAKiT to schedule an inspection.

    Driveway/Curb Cuts


    A permit is required for the construction or modification of a drive approach or other curb cut in the Right-of-Way (street or alley).


    • A copy of a site plan or property survey with dimensions indicating the location of the drive approach on the property.
    • Construction specifications indicating the depth of concrete and size and spacing of reinforcement materials. All paving in the Right-of-Way shall meet the paving requirements of the BCS Design Standards.



    An inspection will be required upon completion of reinforcement and prior to pouring of concrete. To schedule an inspection please contact Planning & Development Services at 979. 764.3570.


    A permit is required for the installation of decks over 30 inches in height. A homeowner can perform this work at his homestead and does not need to register as a contractor with the City, but must apply for a building permit prior to beginning any construction. If a contractor is used, that contractor must be registered with the City of College Station.

    Work being performed by the homeowner and/or resident that does not require a building permit, that is less than 120 square feet, and that does not cause the lot to exceed the applicable maximum impervious cover, does not require an Impervious Coverage Permit. 
    A permit fee is required upon approval of application. Submission for a building permit should be made through our online eTRAKiT system.

    A copy of a site plan or property survey of your property with dimensions indicating the location of the deck on the property.
    A plan with dimensions indicating how the structure will be constructed and anchored. This plan should include materials used and spacing of framing members.
    A plan showing the guardrails as required by the International Residential Code. Such guardrails are required to be a minimum of 36 inches in height, with intermediate rails which do not allow passage of a sphere four (4) inches or more in diameter.

    An inspection will be required upon the completion of work. Please contact Planning
    & Development Services at 979.764.3570 or eTRAKiT to schedule an inspection.

    Fences of wood, chain-link or similar material, and less than eight feet (8’) in height, as well as walls of brick, stone, concrete or similar material, and less than six feet (6’) in height, shall not be considered to be structures, nor shall they require a building permit. If the fence exceeds these heights, then a building permit is required. A homeowner can perform this work at his homestead and does not need to register as a contractor with the City, but must apply for a building permit prior to beginning any construction. If a contractor is used in such an instance, that contractor must be registered with the City of College Station.



    A permit fee is required upon approval of application. Submission for a building permit should be made through our online eTRAKiT permitting system.



    If a building permit is required:

    •A copy of a site plan or property survey of your property with dimensions indicating the location of the fence on the property, along with construction drawings to include footings, material, etc.



    If a building permit is required, an inspection will be required upon completion of work. Please contact Planning & Development Services at 979.764.3570 or visit eTRAKiT to schedule an inspection.


    Foundation Repair


    A building permit is required for foundation repairs, and the contractor must be registered in with City of College Station.


    A permit fee is required upon approval of application. Submission for a building permit should be made through our online eTRAKiT permitting system.


    •A plan with dimensions indicating how the structure will be repaired and indicating the location of piers or piles being added.


    An inspection will be required prior to the pouring of concrete. Please contact Planning & Development Services at (979) 764-3570 or visit eTRAKiT to schedule an inspection.

    Lawn Irrigation


    A building permit is required for the installation of lawn sprinkler systems, which must comply with the requirements of the International Plumbing Code. A backflow prevention device is required at the connection to the water supply, and must be independently tested by a licensed backflow tester. For a list of independent testers, please contact the City of College Station Water/Wastewater Department at 979.764.3660.


    State law allows a homeowner to perform this work on their homestead. However, any other person performing this work must be a state licensed plumber or irrigator that is registered with the City of College Station. The City of College Station will require a copy of the state license, a Certificate of Insurance and a $61.26 fee upon registration.



    To obtain a building permit for the installation of a lawn irrigation system, please contact Planning & Development Services at 979-764-3570 or visit eTRAKiT. A permit fee is required.



    The plan must include, at a minimum, the following information:

    • The irrigator’s seal, signature, and date of signing
    • All major physical features and the boundaries of the areas to be watered
    • A North arrow
    • A legend
    • The zone flow measurement for each zone
    • The location and type of each:
      • Controller
      • Sensor (for example, but not limited to, rain, moisture, wind, flow, or freeze)
    • The location, type and size of each:
      • Water source, such as, but not limited to a water meter and point(s) of connection
      • Backflow prevention device
      • Water emission device, including, but not limited to, spray heads, rotary sprinkler heads, quick-couplers, bubblers, drip, or micro-sprays
    • Valve, including, but not limited to, zone valves, master valves, and isolation valves
    • Pressure regulation component
    • Main line and lateral piping
      • The scale used
      • The design pressure



    An inspection is required upon the completion of work. Please contact Planning & Development Services at 979.764.3570 or visit eTRAKiT to schedule an inspection.

    Patio Cover


    A permit is required for the installation of a patio cover or arbor. A homeowner can perform this work at his homestead and does not need to register as a contractor with the City, but must apply for a building permit prior to beginning any construction. If a contractor is used, that contractor must be registered with the City of College Station.



    Submission for a building permit should be made to Planning & Development Services through our online permitting system eTRAKiT.



    •A copy of a site plan or property survey of your property with dimensions indicating the location of the patio cover on the property.

    •A plan with dimensions indicating how the structure will be constructed and anchored. This plan should include materials used and spacing of framing members.



    An inspection will be required upon completion of work. Please contact Planning & Development Services at 979.764.3570 or visit eTRAKiT to schedule an inspection.


    Re-roofing of residential structures requires a building permit when replacing shingles, or replacement of decking and shingles. A homeowner can perform this work at his homestead and does not need to register as a contractor with the City, but must apply for a building permit prior to beginning any construction. If a contractor is used, that contractor must be
    registered with the City of College Station. All materials used for residential re-roofing purposes must have a minimum class C fire rating.


    To obtain a permit please contact Planning & Development Services (979) 764-3570 or visit our offices at 1101 Texas Avenue. A permit fee is required.




    An inspection will be required upon completion of work. Please contact Planning & Development Services at (979) 764-3570 or visit eTRAKiT to schedule an inspection.

    Retaining Walls

    A permit is required for the installation of retaining walls over two (2) feet in height. Retaining walls are required to be designed by a Professional Engineer. If a contractor is used, that contractor must be registered with the City of College Station.


    To obtain a building permit, an Application for Building Permit must be completed and submitted along with a copy of the building plans. A permit fee is required upon approval of application. Submission for a building permit should be made through our online permitting system eTRAKiT.


    •A copy of a site plan or property survey with dimensions indicating the location of theretaining wall on the property.

    •Plans with dimensions indicating how the structure will be constructed. Plans must besigned and sealed by a Professional Engineer registered in the State of Texas.


    An inspection will be required upon completion of work. Please contact Planning & Development Services at 979.764.3570 or visit eTRAKiT to schedule an inspection.

    Single Family Dwelling / Duplex

    The construction of any new single-family dwelling requires a building permit. All construction must comply with the International Residential Code as adopted and amended by the City of College Station. Click here for local amendments. All contractors must be registered in the City of College Station


    For each one and two family dwelling construction project the Building Division must receive a completed Application for Building Permit and a set of plans. A permit fee is required upon approval of application. In order to ensure that the structure complies with all building codes and city regulations, a detailed review of the application, site plan and all submitted construction documents will be completed prior to the issuance of a residential building permit.

    The plans will also be reviewed for compliance with planning and zoning regulations. The proposed use of the structure will be checked for compatibility with the zoning district in which the structure is to be located. If any problems are uncovered during the application/plan review process, the applicant will be required to make the necessary corrections before a building permit can be issued.

    Once the permit has been issued, construction must begin on the project within 180 days. Failure to start construction or to have the appropriate inspections completed could result in the expiration of the permit and delay in construction.


    • A copy of a site plan drawn to scale with dimensions indicating the location of the house on the property and showing easements, setbacks, driveways and property lines or boundaries.

    • Plans with dimensions indicating how the structure will be constructed.

    • These plans should include:
    o foundation plans
    o floor plans
    o elevation drawings
    o wall bracing details
    o electrical plans
    o mechanical plans
    o plumbing plans
    o materials used
    o spacing of framing members.


    For new construction a minimum number of eleven (11) inspections are required and must be completed in the following order:

    1.Plumbing / Sewer Rough
    2.Building Foundation
    3.Plumbing Top Out *
    4.Electrical Rough-In *
    5.Mechanical Rough-In *
    6.Building Framing
    7.Energy / Insulation
    8.Plumbing Final *
    9.Electrical Final *
    10.Mechanical Final *
    11. Building Final

    *NOTE: Inspections marked with an asterisk can be completed in any order provided the electrical rough-in, plumbing top out and mechanical rough-in inspections are completed before the framing inspection and the plumbing final, electrical final and mechanical final inspections are completed before the building final inspection.

    Please contact Planning & Development Services at 979.764.3570 or visit eTRAKiT to schedule an inspection.


    Once the structure is complete and final approval has been given by the Building Department, a certificate of occupancy will be issued and the structure can be occupied. 
    Swimming Pools / Spas

    Swimming pools or spas that exceed 24 inches in depth require a permit. A pool barrier is required for all areas surrounding a swimming pool. This barrier may be required to include an alarm device for any doors that lead from the home into the pool area. An affidavit certifying the installation of such an alarm may be submitted in lieu of an alarm inspection. Specific requirements related to fences surrounding pools may be found by referring to Appendix G of the 2012 International Residential Code. If a contractor is used, that contractor must be registered with the City of College Station.


    To obtain a permit an Application for Building Permit must be completed and submitted along with a copy of the building plans. A permit fee is required upon approval of application. Submission for a building permit should be made through our online permitting system eTRAKiT.


    A copy of a site plan or property survey of your property with dimensions indicating thelocation of the swimming pool on the property, including setback dimensions toproperty lines and structures.


    Inspections will be required during the course of construction. Please contact Planning & Development Services at 979.764.3570 or visit eTRAKiT to schedule an inspection.

    1.Pool Steel Inspection
    2.Pool Steel Bonding Inspection
    3.Deck Steel Inspection
    4.Deck Steel Bonding Inspection
    5.Final Inspection / Pool Barrier Inspection

    Water Heaters

    A permit is required for the installation of a water heater, which must comply with the requirements of the International Residential Code and the International Plumbing Code. According to State of Texas Law, any contractor performing this work shall be licensed for plumbing by the State of Texas. The City of College Station requires plumbing contractors to be registered with the City of College Station, and will require a copy of the state plumbing license, a Certificate of Insurance upon registration.


    To obtain a permit for the installation of a water heater, please visit our online permitting system eTRAKiT or 979.764.3570. A permit fee is required.




    An inspection will be required upon the completion of work. Please contact Planning & Development Services at (979) 764-3570 or visit eTRAKiT to schedule an inspection.

    Residential Remodels & Additions

    The remodel of, or addition to, a single-family or duplex dwelling unit (whether detached or attached) requires a building permit. All construction must comply with the International Residential Code as adopted and amended by the City of College Station.
    A homeowner may perform some aspects of work on their homestead, but any plumbing, mechanical (HVAC) or electrical work must be performed by a contractor licensed by the State of Texas and must be registered as a contractor with the City of College Station. Any contractor performing remodeling in excess of $10,000 must also be registered with the Texas Residential Construction Commission (TRCC).


    In order to obtain a building permit, an Application for Building Permit must be completed and submitted along with one (1) copy of the building plans. A permit fee is required upon approval of application. Submission for a building permit should be made through our online eTRAKiT permitting system.


    A copy of a site plan with dimensions indicating the location of the house on the property and showing easements, setbacks, driveways and property pins. Plans with dimensions indicating how the structure will be constructed. These plans should include foundation plans, floor plans, elevation drawings, wall-bracing details, electrical plans, mechanical plans, plumbing plans, materials used and spacing of framing members.

    In order to ensure that the structure complies with all building codes and city regulations, the Planning & Development Services Building Division will complete a detailed review of the application, site plan and all submitted construction documents prior to the issuance of a residential building permit. The plans will also be reviewed for compliance with planning and zoning regulations. The proposed use of the structure will be checked for compatibility with the zoning district in which the structure is located. If any problems are uncovered during the application /plan review process, the applicant will be required to make the necessary corrections before a building permit can be issued. Once the permit has been issued, construction must begin on the project within 180 days. Failure to start construction or to have the appropriate inspections completed could result in the expiration of the permit and delay in construction.


    For remodels and additions all or a portion of the following inspections will be required:

    1. Plumbing / Sewer Rough
    2. Building Foundation
    3. Plumbing Top Out
    4. Electrical Rough
    5. Mechanical Rough
    6. Building Frame or Framing
    7. Energy / Insulation
    8. Plumbing Final
    9. Electrical Final
    10.Mechanical Final
    11. Building Final

    The project contractor and/or subcontractor will need to contact the Building division for each inspection and receive approval for the inspection before proceeding to the next phase of construction.

    Once the structure is complete, arrangements should be made with the Building division for a final inspection of the structure. When final approval has been given, the Certificate of Occupancy or Certificate of Completion will be issued and the structure can be occupied.

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